User Manual – Korra Platform


  1. Introduction
  2. Registration and setup
  3. Knowledge manager and knowledge units
  4. Unit manager
  5. Experience manager
  6. Experience editor
  7. Integrations – Portal / Widget
  8. SDK components
  9. Analytics
  10. Setup

Introduction is a KnowledgeDiscovery Experience platform that allows you to connect your users to your knowledge very quickly and accurately.

Korra was built to provide you with a tool to create a state-of-the-art search experience automatically, using AI, and a one-of-a-kind media player that can take your users to the exact spot inside of a video, or a document, supporting desktop browsers, mobile devices, and voice recognition.

Your first step would be to register into the system from the platform’s login page. This page is where you would go in your browser every time you wish to enter the system. 

The URL is make sure to save it in your favorites.

Registration and Setup

After arriving at the Korra Editor login page, if this is your first time, or you would like to create a new account, you will need to register by clicking on the Google button.

After registration, you will be asked to provide your Knowledge Space Name.  This is a unique name that will be reflected in the URL of the experience you create. It is recommended to provide it before publishing a Knowledge experience.

Once providing a Knowledge Space Name or skip this stage, you will be redirected to the Knowledge Manager.

The Korra platform is built of three main components

  1. Knowledge Manager – where you upload or connect and manage your knowledge.
  2. Experience Manager – Building a Search Experience for your users.
  3. Analytics – Get insights and understanding of your users.

Knowledge Manager

The Knowledge Manager is the main page of the platform. This page provides a quick overview of your account usage

The account overview shows you the size of your storage and usage. The number of monthly queries asked out of your plan quota, and the total queries were asked from the beginning of time, in your account.

This page is where you create and manage your Knowledge Units. A knowledge Unit is like a folder of files with a unified topic. For example, it can contain documents and videos of a specific product or a service. In the case of having two models of a specific product, with similar names, it would be recommended to separate them into two different Knowledge Units, to improve search results accuracy.

Create a Knowledge Unit

To create a new Knowledge Unit, click the “create new unit” button.  A new row will appear. Name your new unit and press the “save” button. 

Each knowledge unit field will show its name, the size of the containing files, amount of files, and the last modified date.

Delete / Rename

To delete or rename a Knowledge Unit, click the three dots at the right side of the box, and a pop-up menu will appear. Press Delete or Rename.

Edit Knowledge Unit

Click anywhere on the Knowledge Unit raw to enter the Knowlege Unit Editor, to add or delete files.

After clicking, you will be redirected to the Knowledge Unit Editor page. It contains four parts:

  1. Files List – Showing the list of the files you added and processing files that are in uploading mode.  On the file field, you can see the file name, size, and uploading date. You can sort files by time uploaded to their type. 
  2. File player and information. In this section, the top header will show you more information about the file. In this section, you can review the documents and videos you have uploaded. 
  3. File uploader – where you upload files into the system.
  4. Knowledge unit settings – Lets you add a general description or tags to this Knowledge Unit

Uploading files

The type of files currently supported by the platform are:

PDF, Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint documents. MP4, MOV, and MOV video files.

To upload files press the “Add Files” button. A pop-up menu will appear with several uploading options. 

  • Please note that the system creates a mirror of your files. If you wish to change files later, you will need to upload the updated files and delete the old version of them in the Knowledge Unit.
  1. Uploading a single file – Press the File button. After pressing, an uploader pop-up box will appear. You can drag a file into it or click “browse files” to open your local computer file explorer window. After Choosing a file, click the “Open” button and the file will be uploaded into the Unit Experience.

    Upload local files

    When the file is uploaded, an indicator with a progress bar will appear. You can cancel or resume an uploading process that was interrupted.

    You MUST leave this browser page open until file uploading has finished. Getting out of this page will cancel the uploading process.

    After uploading the AI engine will process the file. At this stage, you will see an indicator. Once the processing stage has finished, your file is avail in the system
    content uploader
  2. Uploading a folder – Press the “Folder” button. Follow the same steps as in the previous point for “Uploading a single file”.

  3. Uploading a YouTube video – Click the “YouTube Video” button. A pop-up box will appear.  Place a copy of the URL of the YouTube video link from the YouTube website. And press the “Import” button.
    Import yourube video

If you do not know how to find a Youtube link, under the YouTube video, click the “Share” button. A pop-up will appear with the link to the video.

  1. Upload files from Dropbox – Click the “Dropbox” button. Enter your Dropbox user and password to connect to your account.

    After connecting your Dropbox, you can choose files that will be uploaded to your Knowledge Unit.

Uploading files

To delete a file, press on the file from the file list. On the preview window top area, press on the trash can.  Once pressed, a pop-up box will appear to approve your action.

Knowledge Unit Settings

Click on “Unit Settings” to open the setting information drawer. Here you can also rename the Knowledge Unit. You can add a description to help you manage your units and add several tags to each unit. These tags will be used to help users filter answers by these tags. For example, it can be a product model or its specifications.

Don’t forget to save your information before closing the settings drawer.

Experience Manager

The experience manager is where you are building and managing the Search Experiences. A Search-Experience is a software in which your users can ask their questions and get answers from your knowledge (in the Knowledge Manager). The experience manager can create several outputs:

  1. A customized knowledge portal
  2. A search widget that can be embedded in your website or on specific pages
  3. An SKD to provide the Korra Search Experience, inside your already existing knowledge portal, mobile application, or any software you would like to integrate it with.

Experience Creator

Experience Editor

The experience creator is where you create new Search Experiences or delete them.  This screen shows a list of Experiences in your account. Each experience has the following information:

Name, Last modified date, an indicator showing if it was published or not, and lastly, if you added new knowledge in the relevant Knowledge Units that weren’t published.

Press “Create a new Search Experience”. A new pop-up button will appear. Enter the name of your Experience and press the “Create” button.

To rename or delete an existing Knowledge Experience, click the three dots button to open a menu. 

To edit a Knowledge Experience, press the “Edit Experience” button

Experience Editor

The Experience Editor is divided into three main components

  1. Knowledge Unit selector
  2. Knowledge Unit Designer
  3. Integration and sharing of the Knowledge Unit

Knowledge Units selector

Select which Knowledge Units will be accessed by this Search Experience. For example, if you would like to share information with your customers, you will not add Knowledge Units that contain restricted employee instructions. 

At any time you can add more or remove Knowledge Units. Just make sure to press the Save and Publish button to make these changes available in your Knowledge Experience.

Knowledge Experience Designer

The Knowledge Unit Designer lets you customize the look and feel of your knowledge Experience. You can see the two main outputs which are a knowledge portal and a knowledge widget that the system will generate for you.

Knowledge Portal

  • Header

Here you can choose the Experience banner by uploading an image. You need to provide two images of your design. One landscape header with an aspect ratio of 4:1 and the other for mobile portrait view with an aspect ratio of 3:2. To remove an image, click the “Remove Image” button

To upload a logo, click “Browse” inside the logo attachment box.  It can be the logo of your brand.  You can also make it into a button and redirect users clicking on it, for example, to your main website.

The preview window will show you the layout of your images in your portal.  You can also see your Widget design by pressing on “Widget Preview”.

Knowledge Experience Integration

Once your Knowledge Experience is ready to be shared, there are several ways to provide this great experience.

Click on the “Embed Code” button to see your options:

  1. A web URL links to a web application that your users click and open an application.   You can create a button on your website, that will redirect to your Search Experience Application page. A such button can be “Support” or “Help”

Check this document for “Support Portal design ideas”

  1. A Search Experience Widget inside your website.  Copy the widget code of your Search Experience, and place it on every page of your website that you would like it to show. Place the code in the page Header or page Body. See below how to integrate your Experience widget into a WordPress website or a Wix website.
  2. SDK – For Enterprise customers or anyone who had a need to integrate the Search Experience components into an already existing system or a portal, we provide a set of SDK components.  Please contact us for further information and documentation.


The analytics panel has several components

  1. Activity log – This table shows every user activity with your Knowledge and experiences. Every interaction has a time stamp.  You will see what users asked, what answers they clicked on, and what was the rank of these answers. Each answer has a URL in the table that you can press and go into the answer within the document or video. On top of that, you have general user information such as country, city, and user platform.  The Activity Log table has several tools that let you create filtering or download the data if you would like to analyze this data yourself.  
  2. Show more – by clicking on this button you will have a full table view. You can always close it back.
  3. Charts – These charts provide you with a summary of activity data to provide you with deeper insights. For example, amount of questions asked versus the number of questions clicked.  If more answers were clicked, that means that users didn’t find answers the first time.  Maybe the information is not clear enough or missing.  The second chart will show you if your users preferred videos or documents.  
  4. Filer data by the type of experience – if you have two different Search Experiences and you would like to see data only from a single Experience, check this drop-down menu to filter your results.
  5. Filter by events – This lets you filter questions events or answers to events


The settings screen lets you update your Knowledge Space information, and contact information. This information is important in order to provide you with new updates, regarding your account health, system update, features, and promotions.  Please make sure your information is up to date. 

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