Top Three Recession-Proof Customer Support Strategies

falling market

The global economy is shrinking by 3.3%, which is on par with the recession that took place during WW2. Your focus should be on retaining customers during this contraction, and digital strategies provide a simple solution. No matter the economic climate, businesses need to provide quality customer service in order to survive. In difficult times, […]

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: How to Excel at Both

Support vs success

When it comes to providing excellent customer service, there are a few things that businesses of all sizes should keep in mind. But what about customer experience? How can small businesses create an environment that will make their customers feel valued and appreciated? Here’s a look at the key differences between customer service and customer […]

The Role of Automation in Delivering Superior Customer Support

Customer service automation

It’s no secret that automation plays an increasingly important role in our lives. From the factory floor to the retail sector, automation is helping businesses run more efficiently and cost-effectively. But what about customer support? Can automation play a role there too? The answer is yes, and in this article, we’ll explore how automation can […]

Relying on Google for Self-Service Support Is a Recipe for Disaster

smart search online

Google is an excellent resource for finding information. However, when it comes to customer support, Google should not be relied on as the primary source of information. This blog post will discuss why relying on Google can be a disaster for your support organization. We will also provide tips on how you can offer better […]

4 Steps to Creating Cost-Effective Customer Service

ai customer service

Providing cost-effective customer service is essential for any business. In today’s digital age, customers expect businesses to provide efficient self-service methods alongside an excellent customer service team. However, many companies struggle to offer both a quality team and a cost-effective service. This blog post will discuss four ways you can provide cost-effective customer service without […]

Ultimate Guide to Building a Knowledge Base with AI

knowledge based systems

Did you know 78% of customers have switched providers because of one poor customer service experience? If your company is seeing a high turnover rate, this might be the culprit. This is where building a knowledge base can save you. Allowing customers to find answers on their own and meeting the needs of our self-service […]

5 Ways Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improves the Customer Service Experience

ai customer experience

Customer service is one of the most important aspects of running a business. It’s also one of the most competitive industries out there. That’s why customer service providers need to utilize all the tools at their disposal in order to provide a truly excellent customer service experience. In this post, we’ll go over how AI […]

Conquering the Fear of Managing Knowledge

artificial intelligence future

why knowledge management is really people leadership In the beginning there was a definition. Before we talk about the challenges associated with Knowledge Management, and how to solve some of them, let’s formalize the different parts of the “Knowledge Management” 2-words duo. What is knowledge? Often overlooked and taken for granted, Knowledge is the basis […]

So why did we choose Korra?

ai answers questions

For those of you who missed raising children (or were not children) in the late 2000s, or early 2010s, this is for you: Korra was the lead character in one of Nickelodeon’s most popular animated television series, “The Legend of Korra” which was the sequel to “Avatar: The Last Airbender.” In the series, Korra is […]

How AI Solves the Biggest Problem with Knowledge Bases

ai answers

Knowledge bases are a common component of customer support services. They’re designed to answer as many questions as possible, which eliminates the need for human agents in some situations. This can offer better customer support at lower costs, but there’s a big problem with this kind of solution: they lack real-world solutions. The Problem with […]

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